Cyber Square

Project Background

Coding for kids is an innovative online platform that teaches kids to learn coding and thereby improving the 21st century skills. It is also an excellent way to teach mathematical and science concepts in a different way and have problem-solving skills, logic and patience. The main goal of this application is to create an engaging system that provides exciting activities so children can understand the programming concepts thoroughly so that they can perform them on their own. It nourishes young aspiring minds to get a clear vision of their ideas.

Our Approach

Coding for kids is not only an online platform that teaches kids to learn coding but it also encourages children to unleash their creativity. A platform that challenges a child’s thinking skills as well as allowing them to use their imagination. With Coding for kids approach, kids learn to code using visual code blocks that represent real programming concepts. They progress to text languages like JavaScript and Python as they continue to play through 2,000+ interest-driven activities.

The platform comprises a project-based curriculum grounded in the maker mindset: creating new physical devices and tinkering with existing ones. It gives students a context for learning to code, and dramatically increases engagement over traditional computer science instructional methods which focus on solving math problems or manipulating on-screen elements.

Central to the application is the exclusive use of text-based programming, rather than drag-and-drop icons. Students are guided step-by-step in the process of learning the python language, with the support of web-based software tools that help catch errors and debug programs. This allows a natural process of learning through making mistakes and fixing them.

Project info
  • Release Date: Nov. 10, 2018
Prev: La Venture

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